Writer’s Corner

Welcome to the Writer’s Corner, where I dump all that is swirling in my head, from exceptionally poorly thought-out fiction to random ideas and observations.

Accessible Faith: A collections of thoughts, discussions, and creative snippets that help us build, organize, and sort through our beliefs.

Book Reviews: Curious for a good read? Our backlog of books includes hundreds, so what better than creating a series of reviews to keep them all straight!

Writing Challenge: Ever talk about a story and thought that you would have gone a different direction? Us too! Together, we pick a prompt, then individually we write. What will we get? A glimpse into each other’s hearts and minds!

Editorials and Observations: A random collection of thoughts and observations we’ve attempted to make sense of.

Outtakes of a Grad Student: Learn about what its like as a grad student and the miscellaneous things we wish we knew getting into it.