
Senior year of high school I asked for a nice soldering kit to take with me to college. As a gift, my father bought me the same one he used, but it came with a few exchangeable tips, “Perhaps, one day, you can try wood burning or something with these little guys.” Little did I know I would love it. Four years later, I decided to try my hand, and here we are now.

I started experimenting September 2017 and I figured I can share my journey from nothing to know-how to help make the road easier for others to get into the art. I’ll be posting a lot of short posts about the pieces I am working on, and not just the good, but also the bad and the ugly. Hopefully, others can learn from my mistakes and not have to repeat my struggles.

Now, I want to go ahead and get this out there right away. As I am still experimenting with the technique behind the art, many of my pieces use designs from very talented artists in other medias that I adapted for pyrography. I’ll post links and credits to accompany each piece as it pertains and highly encourage you to check them out on their own channels and websites.

Tales of Fire: Each piece has a story. Read about them here.
Check out the Gallery! All the pieces I’ve made to date.