Board Games

Way back when, my family introduced me to the classics: Monopoly, Sorry, Candyland, and Risk among others that my parents played as children. I’ve always been highly competitive, and the sibling rivalry was real. As my brother put it the other day in a light game of Carcassonne, “You may be behind now, but I won’t count you out. You’re too cunning and will connive your way to victory if I’m not careful. We’re both that way.”

I couldn’t have said it better.

All that tension of competition put me off to games for a while, but university turned me back to the fun of the games. We all have that one friend who supplies your crew. Unfortunately, for my group, that friend was a year ahead of the rest of us, so when he graduated off, we were left with our small handful of cards. We couldn’t just stop our weekly game nights–that wouldn’t be any good–so a few of us (primarily me, as it happened) decided to build our own collections and wabam! Here I am now, sitting atop a pile of dozens of games released within the past decade or so. Hardcore board game nerd? I dare say so.

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