Hiking with an Aussie in West Virginia

This is a bit of a break from our typical posts, but we both wanted to experiment a little with some of our camera gear. I use action cameras to take my time lapses, so we forked out for a little harness for our lovely doggo. My job was to take and edit footage from my phone, so while T’s still processing a version with the footage from her back, I put together an adventure collage featuring our cutie!

It has been a great experience to mess around with editing and now I have many better ideas of how to shoot the footage to make it easier on the eyes (forewarning, there are definitely some spots that need better camera work).

As for our stories, we will be back at it soon. I promise you we have some cool things in the works, not just the short stories! Anyways, we hope you enjoy our little side project!

Adventure on!

-D & T

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