Writing Challenge Prompt #12 – A Machine’s Perspective

The Demons’ Code
T’s Machine Perspective Story #spiritual
The Demons’ Code – PDF – Standard Format

# Created By: Belphegor
# Creation Date: 2/20/1991
# version = ‘0.0’
# The lines beginning with # are comments. Computers will pass through them,
# but they are my notes. As a demon, part of my job is tricking people.
# To make my life and work easier, I made this code. My design is simple.
# The framework is based on the seven sins. The first step is to figure out what
# kind of sins the target has, then call specific functions to focus in on that sin.
# Import the functions that already exist but in other files here. Use the
# beginning “import” to call the function.

import random # Call the random function that already exists. It will be
# helpful for me to select my target.

from hellPossibility import possibilityToGoToHell # This is my code that
# detects whether a person may end up in Hell or not. It returns a
# number between 0 and 1. One means they will come to Hell for sure.

from demonSkill import whisper # This function can whisper my voice into
# people’s minds.

from demonSkill import character # This function to create a list for a person’s
# characteristics.

from demonSkill import valueUp # This function makes a topic more valuable
# and popular.

from addedCode import detectSins # Ugh! Why did I do this to myself? Didn’t
# have to waste effort on unnecessary specificity. But I made this function to
# analyze people’s sins. This function returns a list of percentage breakdown
# of the target’s 7 sins. I normalized them so that the sum of all numbers is 1.
# A larger number means the sin is more common for this person.

def pride(Target):

# It is the function to target prideful people. “Target” is the person’s
# information that serves as input for the function.
# When will people show their pride? When people feel challenged,
# and their positions are in danger. Hehehehe.

            GDPGrows = 0.5%

            CPIrate = 8% # Need to set up the economic situation to be terrible.
#When resources are abundant and people feel comfortable in their life,
# they are more likely to be happy and satisfied. People are more willing
# to share and help others. In a hard time, students will be more
# challenged to get into their ideal school, employees will be more likely
# to lose their jobs.

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