Writing Challenge Prompt #12 – A Machine’s Perspective

The Eye at the Center of the Galaxy – D’s Machine Perspective Story – Cont.


Central Year 50902, Lagging Day 76
Core Status: Nominal.
Observational Scanners: Calibration Error.
Repair Modules: Deployed.
Protocol Active: Beta, Defense Alert.

The Mek remain with force at my mainframe; however, repairs must be completed for accurate readings. Protective protocols have been reinstated in the case of unwanted violence. I deployed only a handful of the repair modules at a time, targeting areas at minimal risk of contact.

One of the repair drones had contact with the Mek. At first, they were jumpy, afraid that the drones might have been the cause of the Tridians’ death, even shooting down one of them. Worried that the violence would trigger retaliation, their superiors became upset at the soldier’s break of protocol and elected to make an example of them. Their methods of discipline are violent, and the soldier has been vented.

To test their resolve, I deployed half a dozen more repair drones to the area. Observing that the drones were not hostile, the Mek have decided the drones are simply part of the station’s functions. Repairs and recalibration are underway.

Central Year 50902, Lagging Day 180
Core Status: Nominal.
Observational Scanners: Full Capacity.
Repair Modules: Online.
Protocol Active: Alpha, Observation Only.

With their occupation of the mainframe, the Mek have cycled a variety of ships through my structure’s vicinity. Their extended study of my mainframe has led them to many technological leaps despite my passivity. For all the protocols in place to assure my neutrality and lack of interference in galactic affairs, it makes one wonder if my very existence is interference.

Central Year 50903, Leading Day 1
Core Status: Nominal.
Observational Scanners: Full Capacity.
Repair Modules: Online.
Protocol Active: Beta, Defense Alert.

The Tridians have returned, this time augmented as to be able to traverse my interior without the need of suits. They came head-to-head with the Mek, who were still studying my structure. On contact, the two species entered a bloody conflict, each convinced the other had built me in an aim to eradicate the other. Even with all the advancements gleaned from their studies, the Mek were no match against the newly augmented Tridians in my mainframe.

In the space around, however, the Mek ships had the upper hand. With some cunning strategy, they were able to force the Tridians into a retreat or leave their landing party stranded.

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