Writing Challenge Prompt #12 – A Machine’s Perspective

The Eye at the Center of the Galaxy – D’s Machine Perspective Story – Cont.


The Tridians’ interest in my structure has grown. The chatter among their analysts indicate that they have been able to date some of my structural elements, and they now hypothesize at my purpose. They ask questions of me. Where did I come from? Why am I here? Some have even begun to worship me, calling me the “All-seer.” Alpha Protocol remains in place. Information divulgence restricted.

Central Year 50902, Lagging Day 42
Core Status: Nominal.
Observational Scanners: Full capacity.
Repair Modules: Online.
Protocol Active: Alpha, Observation Only.

Over the course of the recent days, the Tridians have relayed signals out into the dark forest of stars and planets in the Leading arm of the galaxy. Their signal may be aimed to extensions of their civilization, but the wisdom of such a decision is dubious, for who but the most ruthless hunter has survived the others closest to them in the forest? They may not want to meet. The Tridians have at least masked their signal in a code nearly indistinguishable from the background of the galaxy, although a sufficiently capable civilization will be able to recognize the signal as synthetic.

Central Year 50902, Lagging Day 56
Core Status: Nominal.
Observational Scanners: Full capacity.
Repair Modules: Online.
Protocol Active: Alpha, Observation Only.

The Tridians have grown agitated. Something in a nearby system has caught their attention. They now plead for my aid, the worshippers bringing many materials and sacrifices. They seem to believe I have information about the “Dangers that Lurk” or at least preventative measures from which they may benefit. Alpha Protocol dictates that I am not to interfere with galactic matters. Just watch. Record.

Central Year 50902, Lagging Day 62
Core Status: Nominal.
Observational Scanners: Damaged.
Repair Modules: Deployed.
Protocol Active: Omega, Violence Suppression.

Omega Protocol engaged. Violence Suppression deployed. The Tridians are sieging my mainframe, attempting to pry their way into the archives. Minimal damage sustained. Tridian Casualaties: 331. Two Tridians unaccounted for, suspected to have escaped on their ship. Repair modules deployed. Beta Protocol will be instated as a precaution once repair drones complete full survey of data and verify no Tridians remain onboard.

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