Writing Challenge Prompt #12 – A Machine’s Perspective

The Demons’ Code – T’s Machine Perspective Story – Cont.


for tester in firstPick:

            if tester not in myTarget:


winner = random.choices(helpfulGroup, k=1000)

whisper(winner, “You have a good wish for others and this world. Let me help you become successful. Then you can go help others in the same way because you are a good person.”)

socialMedia = valueUp(winner)

socialMedia = valueUp(success) # Yes, this is what I want to see. Some people
# can be successful# because they have extraordinary goodwill and kindness,
# but it is because I picked them out. Then those successors will kindly help
# others achieve their goals. It is a real nice story, isn’t it?

whisper(myTarget, “You also can be successful. You are unique. Let others help you. Just do whatever others do. It is the game everyone is playing.”)

# I think that is all I need. I don’t even need a loop to keep tricking them. I just
# need to create an idea in their mind. Then, they will keep thinking about it.
# When they begin to accept the value system as a truthful judge of their work
# and success, they will move further and further from their original goodwill
# at the beginning.

We invite you to leave your thoughts in the comment section below and, as always, we open the invitation to everyone to join us in this writing challenge.

See you in two weeks with a story inspired by “Feed the Machine” by Poor Man’s Poison!

Adventure on!

-D & T

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