Writing Challenge Prompt #12 – A Machine’s Perspective

The Demons’ Code – T’s Machine Perspective Story – Cont.


                    sinList = [pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust]

                    sinWeight = detectSins(Target)

                    thisSin = random.choices(sinList, sinWeight, k=1)

# If the person has any chance not to go to hell, this while loop all always runs.
# The weight setting for each sin will cause the more common sins of the
# chosen person to have a higher chance to be picked. Then this sin’s function
# will run to sucker the target into its cycle. After that, the loop will keep
# running to check whether the people have a chance to avoid going to hell.
# And keep going and going until we have them all…hehehehe.

if thisSin == pride: pride()

if thisSin == envy: envy()

if thisSin == wrath: wrath()

if thisSin == sloth: sloth()

if thisSin == greed: greed()

if thisSin == gluttony: gluttony()

if this Sin == lust: lust()

if __name__ == “__main__”: # Trigger the main function. And now we wait.


# Created by Lucifer
# Creation Date: 1/1/2010
# Version = ‘1.0’
# It took me a while to notice Belphegor developed this code to cheat his work. I
# kind of appreciate his idea of utilizing machines to work for him. However,
# his algorithm is unbearably drab. There is no elegance and creativity at all.
# I can’t even reapply any function from his work. In a short, his code is
# unadaptable. Utter trash. I am going to make something from the beginning.
# I don’t understand those demons’ ideas. Maybe they are just lazy, but why do
# they only trick those terrible people? Yes, it is easy to trick those people. But
# who cares about them? God? I don’t know. Why should my kingdom be a
# trash can when I can have those valuable souls with virtues? God likes to
# give the vermin free will to choose. I will make them choose me by
# themselves. For the people who have great wishes, remarkable talents,
# and kind hearts, I just need to work a little bit on the details. You will be
# surprised how easy my work can be done.

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