Writing Challenge Prompt #12 – A Machine’s Perspective

The Demons’ Code – T’s Machine Perspective Story – Cont.


def lust(Target):

# The last function in this program is lust. Like a locked town, people outside
# always want to go inside. While inside, people want to leave. If people are
# kept away from what they want, even I have no idea what ridiculous
# behaviors and sins they will do. It is human nature that they want to have
# a partner. When they have a compatible partner and a healthy relationship,
# they will be able to keep from lust’s temptations. My strategy involves
# keeping them from a healthy relationship with their partner.

          if character(Target.partner) == single: keepTargetBeingSingle = 1

          if character(Target.partner) == couple: breakTargetAwayFromPartner = 1
# Keeping people single will make the rest of my work easier

          whisper(“No one will like you. No one wants to date you.”) # Let my target
# believe it is impossible to find a partner who will have a healthy
# relationship with them.

          socialMedia = valueUp(divorce)

          socialMedia = valueUp(breakUp)

          socialMedia = valueUp(dramaticRelationship) # Let my target question
# whether a healthy relationship is possible in this world. If my target
# wants a relationship, let my target believe it is not their problem
# they are single.

          socialMedia = valueUp(beYourself)

          socialMedia = valueUp(proudToYourself) # Last step, just give my target a
# little bit of encouragement. I believe my target will fall into a twisted idea of a
# relationship and place the pursuit of lust at the center.

            print(“Lust routine has been completed. The function ran appropriately.”)

def main():

# In this main function, I need to recognize different types of people.
# Then call the sub-functions to trick them. Hehehehe, I can see my
# work will be much easier now!

            Target = random(every_human_in_the_world) # Let this function
# pick a single human at random.

            while possibilityToGoHell(Target) < 1:

# I need to figure out what kind of sins people have before I focus
# on their particular sins. Oh, I don’t like it. Why did I get this idea
# to torture myself? I could just throw all of the sins at people. It
# would make my life easier, but that is not as fun. I could yet find a
# better way to torture them, hehehehe.

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