Writing Challenge Prompt #12 – A Machine’s Perspective

The Demons’ Code – T’s Machine Perspective Story – Cont.


          weakness = character(Target.peopleAround, weakness) # Identify my target’s weakness and the weakness of the people around them.

          pivotalJudgePoint = weakness # Let this weakness be a key point for
# others to judge people for the considered situation. In this case, people will
# feel helpless to and for themselves, and things will become further out of their
# control. This is the seed for wrath to spread. It is not fair just to focus on one
# single person, right?

          peopleAround.selfControl = 0.99* peopleAround.selfControl # Let people
#have slightly less control of their emotion with each run, then the
# snowball will roll by itself. Wrath always grows faster in a group

            print(“Wrath routine has been completed. The function ran appropriately.”)

def sloth(Target):

# Alright, alright, this is my part. Hehehehe. I will work on sloth in this part. In
# my experience, to keep people from acting, don’t even let them begin. That
# is the best way to keep them slothful.

          slothTopic = character(Target, meaningfulAndImportant) # Find
# something that is meaningful and important to my target.

          while slothTopic == haveYetToBegin:

                    whisper(Target, “Do you know how hard it is to get what you want to done?)

                    whisper(Target, “Do you know how many people have failed? That is the reason this work hasn’t been done yet.”)

                    whisper(Target, “Do you know the risk if you fail? What if you mess up?”)

                    whisper(Target, “Oh, you actually have other tasks to work on. That is your duty.”)

# Keep people away from beginning meaningful and important jobs. No
# beginning, no success. No success, they have a lower chance to start
# any other, even slightly, significant work.

            print(“Sloth routine has been completed. The function ran appropriately.”)

def greed(Target):

# This part is designed to trick greedy people. Is there anything more
# important than excuses to keep people greedy? The best way to
#keep people greedy? Make them think they aren’t as greedy as that
# guy next to them.

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