Labels are here for our 2nd and 3rd wines!

This round was Nova's time to shine as the mascot of these two wines, a Zinfandel Blush and a Citrus Wood Sorrel. We made the Zinfandel from a Fontana wine kit. As our second kit, I do have to say I liked WineXpert kits a little better as far as instructions go as well as …

Continue reading Labels are here for our 2nd and 3rd wines!

Experimenting with Homemade Wine

We have somewhat fallen off the edge of the world the past half a year, with the hallmark of moving into a new home. With that, we finally have some extra space to experiment with a set of wine making equipment that we were gifted for our wedding almost 2.5 years ago! There are no …

Continue reading Experimenting with Homemade Wine